Economics Research Seminar Series (ERSS) 13-2020
Dear colleagues and students,
Department of Economics cordially invites you to Economics Research Seminar Series (ERSS) 13-2020 on
Friday, December 11th, 2020 at 04:00 P.M. (PST).
We are pleased to announce that this session's speaker will be
Dr. Ajaz Ahmed
who is currently an
Assistant Professor at Department of Economics, IBA.
Topic of his presentation is:
"Choice modelling of sustainable agricultural practices for cleaner food production in Pakistan". Dr. Ahmed
has a background of environment and climate change economics. He has been involved in environment and climate change teaching, training and policy research and has worked with several reputed organizations nationally and internationally. He has authored a few publications on some of the pressing issues such as water, energy, and climate change adaptations. Dr. Ahmed is an Associate and Grantee of South Asian Network of Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) and Adaptation Finance Fellowship Programme (AFFP).
Abstract and other details are available in the attachments. Looking forward to your participation.
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